- 作者:老汪软件技巧
- 发表时间:2024-10-04 07:00
- 浏览量:
为了构建一个更加复杂的多级反馈队列(Multi-Level Feedback Queue, MLFQ)调度器,我们可以引入一些更高级的调度机制。例如:
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Random;
class Process {
String name;
int burstTime; // 该进程需要的总 CPU 时间
int remainingTime; // 剩余执行时间
int currentQueue; // 当前所在的优先级队列
int waitTime; // 等待时间,用于老化机制
boolean ioBlocked; // 是否进入 I/O 阻塞状态
public Process(String name, int burstTime) {
this.name = name;
this.burstTime = burstTime;
this.remainingTime = burstTime;
this.currentQueue = 0; // 初始在最高优先级队列
this.waitTime = 0; // 等待时间初始为 0
this.ioBlocked = false; // 初始时未阻塞
public boolean isFinished() {
return remainingTime <= 0;
public void blockForIO() {
ioBlocked = true;
System.out.println("Process " + name + " is blocked for I/O.");
public void unblockFromIO() {
ioBlocked = false;
System.out.println("Process " + name + " has returned from I/O.");
public class AdvancedMLFQScheduler {
private int numQueues; // 队列数量
private int[] timeQuanta; // 每个队列的时间片
private Queue[] queues; // 队列数组
private int maxWaitTime; // 老化机制中的最大等待时间
public AdvancedMLFQScheduler(int numQueues, int[] timeQuanta, int maxWaitTime) {
this.numQueues = numQueues;
this.timeQuanta = timeQuanta;
this.maxWaitTime = maxWaitTime;
queues = new LinkedList[numQueues];
for (int i = 0; i < numQueues; i++) {
queues[i] = new LinkedList<>();
// 添加进程到最高优先级队列
public void addProcess(Process process) {
// 模拟调度
public void schedule() {
Random random = new Random();
while (!allQueuesEmpty()) {
for (int i = 0; i < numQueues; i++) {
Queue queue = queues[i];
int quantum = timeQuanta[i];
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
Process process = queue.poll();
// 如果进程被I/O阻塞,跳过它
if (process.ioBlocked) {
System.out.println("Executing process: " + process.name + " from queue " + i);
// 模拟进程可能触发 I/O 阻塞
if (random.nextInt(10) < 2) { // 20% 几率进入 I/O
// 该队列分配的时间片
int executionTime = Math.min(quantum, process.remainingTime);
process.remainingTime -= executionTime;
process.waitTime = 0; // 重置等待时间
System.out.println("Process " + process.name + " executed for " + executionTime + " units, remaining time: " + process.remainingTime);
if (process.isFinished()) {
System.out.println("Process " + process.name + " has finished.");
} else {
// 如果没完成,降级到下一个优先级队列
if (i < numQueues - 1) {
process.currentQueue = i + 1;
queues[i + 1].add(process);
System.out.println("Process " + process.name + " moved to queue " + (i + 1));
} else {
// 如果已经在最低优先级队列,继续留在该队列
System.out.println("Process " + process.name + " stays in queue " + i);
// 模拟 I/O 完成
if (!process.ioBlocked && random.nextInt(10) < 1) { // 10% 几率解除 I/O 阻塞
// 老化机制:检查所有低优先级队列中的进程
// 老化机制:如果进程等待时间过长,提升其优先级
private void applyAging(int currentQueue) {
for (int i = currentQueue + 1; i < numQueues; i++) {
Queue queue = queues[i];
for (Process process : queue) {
if (process.waitTime > maxWaitTime) {
process.currentQueue = i - 1;
queues[i - 1].add(process);
System.out.println("Process " + process.name + " has been aged and moved to queue " + (i - 1));
// 检查所有队列是否为空
private boolean allQueuesEmpty() {
for (int i = 0; i < numQueues; i++) {
if (!queues[i].isEmpty()) {
return false;
return true;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// 定义四个优先级队列,时间片分别为 2、4、8、16,最大等待时间为 10
int[] timeQuanta = {2, 4, 8, 16};
AdvancedMLFQScheduler scheduler = new AdvancedMLFQScheduler(4, timeQuanta, 10);
// 创建一些进程
Process p1 = new Process("P1", 20);
Process p2 = new Process("P2", 10);
Process p3 = new Process("P3", 15);
Process p4 = new Process("P4", 25);
// 添加进程到调度器
// 开始调度
Executing process: P1 from queue 0
Process P1 executed for 2 units, remaining time: 18
Process P1 moved to queue 1
Executing process: P2 from queue 0
Process P2 executed for 2 units, remaining time: 8
Process P2 moved to queue 1
Executing process: P3 from queue 0
Process P3 executed for 2 units, remaining time: 13
Process P3 moved to queue 1
Executing process: P4 from queue 0
Process P4 executed for 2 units, remaining time: 23
Process P4 moved to queue 1
Executing process: P1 from queue 1
Process P1 executed for 4 units, remaining time: 14
Process P1 moved to queue 2
Executing process: P2 from queue 1
Process P2 executed for 4 units, remaining time: 4
Process P2 moved to queue 2
I/O 阻塞与恢复: